The master planned Rosenthal Estate located on Vineyard Road, Sunbury is an example of a development that responds and utilizes to its advantage the undulating topography. This is achieved by maximizing the natural gradient to create features that are visually stunning and add a distinct focal point for the community.
With a total area of 119 hectares, it comprises approximately 1,400 residential lots, numerous parks, Harpers Creek and associated wetlands. Harper’s creek corridor and “Tom’s Park” are prime examples of the way the design can work with the environment to create unique places of interest and gathering for the community.
The site is also planned to accommodate a neighbourhood activity centre and includes a large area of native grasslands protected and retained within the development.
Urban Design & Management provides project management, engineering, planning and urban design consultancy services on this project.
Rosenthal Conservatoin Res GSM Letter 15148 (6.0) - Year 3
Rosenthal Conservation Res Report 15148 (7.2) - Yr 3 Monitoring
Rosenthal Conservation Res GSM Letter 15148 (8.1) Year 4
Rosenthal Conservation Res Report 15148 (9.1) Yr 4 Monitoring
Rosenthal Conservation Reserves Report 15148 (10.1) Yr 5 Monitoring
Year 3_2017 Warrambeen Annual OMP Report
Year 4_2018 Warrambeen Annual OMP Report
Year 5_2019 Warrambeen Annual OMP Report
Year 6_2020 Warrambeen Annual OMP Report
140704_DoE_EPBC_commencment of works notice
Report 15148 (2.1) Yr 1 Monitoring
Report 15148 (4.0) Yr 2 Monitoring(First Draft)
Report 15148 (4.1) Yr 2 Monitoring(Final)
Yearly Reporting Form Rosenthal 2018 FINAL